When we were in Ohio earlier this summer, Bethany and I got to hang out with her youngest sister, Rachel, and her boyfriend Ryan. We had a blast hanging out with them- double dates all day long!! One evening we got to sneak down to the beach (on Lake Erie) right at sunset to explore […]

Lake Erie | Everyday | Aaron Mallory Photography

When we were in Ohio earlier this summer, Bethany and I got to hang out with her youngest sister, Rachel, and her boyfriend Ryan. We had a blast hanging out with them- double dates all day long!! One evening we got to sneak down to the beach (on Lake Erie) right at sunset to explore and snap some portraits. 
The exposure on the film was a little off (not having a light meter and all!) so the colors aren’t really on par with the digital shots, but I think they have their own special character! 
Enjoy this little session with Rachel, Ryan, and my lovely fiancé Bethany! This post has a mixture of both digital and film experiments!! Can you tell which ones are film and which ones are digital??
Just love this shot!!
A lot easier to see the difference between the film shot and the digital shot here on a larger scale! 
We even got a little photoshoot of our own!! 
Ryan mentioned that this was the most he’d had his picture taken in his entire life. Guess that comes with the territory! Thanks Ryan and Rachel for being such great sports- and wonderful models! 
Aaron + Bethany