Some of you know that in January I left my full-time job and began my journey as a stay-at-home-person. It’s strange, y’all! I spend a lot of my day by myself with a to-do list that is never-ending and yet rarely compelling. It’s been a weird season- a major life change, during our slow season, […]

Juneau, Alaska: Personal | The Mallorys (Part 1)

Some of you know that in January I left my full-time job and began my journey as a stay-at-home-person. It’s strange, y’all! I spend a lot of my day by myself with a to-do list that is never-ending and yet rarely compelling. It’s been a weird season- a major life change, during our slow season, in the dead of winter. Didn’t think that one through completely. But here we are. So when my sweet college roomie sent an S.O.S I was extra excited to hop a plane to the other side of the country and spend a few weeks (almost 3!!) with her in Juneau, Alaska. Caroline just had her second little boy and needed an extra set of hands and an adult to talk to during the day while her husband was working. Baby snuggles and girl time? Yes, please!

I had such a cool response to the Instagrams I posted from my trip, that I thought I’d share a few more shots from my trip on the blog. I’m sharing Part 1 today and I’ll share Part 2 (when Aaron arrived!!) next week.

I saw glaciers and frozen lakes and some of the biggest mountains ever. I also saw more bald eagles, and rainy days than I expected. When I got to Juneau, the ground was covered with snow (like you’ll see in the first half of the pictures below). And then it rained the rest of the time- with the exception of a few coveted blue-sky days. Juneau’s weather is a lot more like the Pacific NorthWest than the snowy igloo and Balto images that come to mind (that movie… anyone??)

Take a look and check back in for Part 2 soon!



(The Mendenhall Glacier, Mendenhall Lake, and Visitor Center on that first snowy Juneau day.)

(Skater’s Cabin.

We could’ve gone ice skating on the lake if it had stayed cold enough. But of course it was colder in Virginia than Juneau while I was there and the lake melted.)

(The Juneau International Airport.

Airport security is a little more laid back in this part of the country.)

(Bath time with my little buddy Timmy and his sweet mama.)

(Auke Bay.)

(Sandy Beach.

We came back to this spot with Aaron because it was one of our favorites!)

(The Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls.

We visited this spot about four times during my trip. Seeing glaciers is a once-in-a-lifetime sorta thing.)

Part 1 | Part 2