“Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.” Rabindranath Tagore Baby Wren finally made her big debut last month and we got to meet her when she was only fourteen days new. Darling. She wasn’t interested in sleeping anywhere other than cuddled up with Mom and Dad, but that […]
Some of you know that in January I left my full-time job and began my journey as a stay-at-home-person. It’s strange, y’all! I spend a lot of my day by myself with a to-do list that is never-ending and yet rarely compelling. It’s been a weird season- a major life change, during our slow season, […]
Our fall has been FULL. Full of moving. Full of working full time. Full of traveling all over the state for engagement sessions. Full of a growing business. Full of ripping up carpet and other house renovations. FULL. But it hasn’t been too full to catch up with some of our favorite families. These are […]
The last time we met the Hutchinson family at Monticello Trail, it was spring-time and Maeve was much smaller. These three are the sweetest family and we were honored when they asked us to capture their family again this fall. I work with little people all day, everyday, so it’s not hard to speak […]
The Mills clan has now officially become our most-photographed family and we love them for it. We got to capture their whole family last fall but we were missing an important member– Beth’s husband Vikram was working long-term in China (!!!). Since their little family lives in California, we weren’t sure we’d get the chance […]
I got to watch little Davis’ momma carry her for the past several months so it was extra special to get to meet her and capture her little life when she was only 8-days-new. This little girl already has a personality and it’s even more fun to watch her big sister, Austin, ooh and ahh over […]
We just had our first married Christmas. That’s kind of a big deal from what we’ve been told (and from how many times we’ve been asked, “how was your first married Christmas?”) Bethany and I were the first married in both of our families so we know that we’ve only gotten a tiny taste of […]
It’s been a full year to say the least. Full of BIG moments (like saying ‘I do’) and small (like deciding how to spend our first Christmas as a married couple). We’ve traveled, we’ve celebrated, we’ve laughed, we’ve prayed, we’ve grieved, we’ve learned, and we’ve loved. We’ve had a full year and to be honest, […]
(In Bethany’s words) Once upon a time I had a blog. Once upon a time I had a lot to say and the time to sit still long enough to say it. Sometimes it feels like those days are gone with the busyness of this life we’re leading so it’s REALLY fun to be able […]
Remember this sweet family from last February?? We got to meet little Annabelle when she was only a few weeks old (those are still some of our favorite newborn portraits)! We could not believe how much she’d grown since then! So much personality for such a little person! We met up with Melissa, Dave, and […]