It’s been a full year to say the least. Full of BIG moments (like saying ‘I do’) and small (like deciding how to spend our first Christmas as a married couple). We’ve traveled, we’ve celebrated, we’ve laughed, we’ve prayed, we’ve grieved, we’ve learned, and we’ve loved. We’ve had a full year and to be honest, […]

McElroy Family | Charlottesville Family Photographer | Aaron Mallory Photography

It’s been a full year to say the least. Full of BIG moments (like saying ‘I do’) and small (like deciding how to spend our first Christmas as a married couple). We’ve traveled, we’ve celebrated, we’ve laughed, we’ve prayed, we’ve grieved, we’ve learned, and we’ve loved. We’ve had a full year and to be honest, at the end of it all, we are tired; but more than anything, at the end of it, we are filled to the brim. We’ve met the sweetest families, we’ve made new friends, we’ve had fantastic couples trust us to capture their big day, and we’ve grown, grown, grown. We don’t take any of it for granted. We are blessed. 
“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” James 1:17
So here’s to 2014- a year we will never, ever forget. A year that changed Bethany’s last name and my address. A year that gave us new parts of the country to fall in love with. A year that expanded our families and friend groups. A year that inspired us more than any year before. We are pretty excited to start a brand new year– We agree wholeheartedly with L.M. Montgomery’s famous quote– “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” It’s a fresh start, a clean slate, and a new dawn. We can’t wait. 
We wanted to leave you with one of our final family shoots of 2014- the McElroy family. Kevin and Shannon invited us to photograph their family and newest member before Jameson (aka Baby J) was even born! We started planning for their shoot before our wedding and then Baby J decided to throw us for a loop- and come two weeks late. So we had no choice but to wait him out. Then on the eve of our big shoot, big sister Keegan decided she wanted to try diving off furniture for fun and ended up with a trip to the doctor instead of a photoshoot with us. We rearranged and rescheduled and FINALLY got to meet this sweet family early this month. We were gifted with the sweetest giggles from Jameson, so much energy from Keegan, and the warmest welcome from mom and dad. Rescheduling was totally worth it and Baby J was definitely worth the wait. 
Enjoy a few of our favorites from our morning with the McElroy family and the happiest New Year to all! 
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