We’ve had an insane year- B moved, we planned a wedding, we travelled, we got married, we went on our honeymoon, I moved in with B, we grew our business a crazy amount, and now we are celebrating our first ever Christmas as a married couple! Whew! It’s been a challenge to say the least […]

Hale Family | Virginia Family Photography | Aaron Mallory Photography

We’ve had an insane year- B moved, we planned a wedding, we travelled, we got married, we went on our honeymoon, I moved in with B, we grew our business a crazy amount, and now we are celebrating our first ever Christmas as a married couple! Whew! It’s been a challenge to say the least and we honestly would not have made it without our friends (“I get by with a little help from my friends..” the Beatles… anyone??)
Some of these friends literally made our wedding (and lives) run and I don’t even want to think about what it could’ve been like without them. The Hales were some of those friends. Steve helped us move B into her new apartment in March; he also hauled a couch, chair, and ottoman all the way from Wintergreen for us; Megan did 90% of the flowers for our wedding; they loved and supported and counseled us before we got married; they helped us set up before our ceremony and moved chairs afterwards; they lent us their truck so we could get our first Christmas tree… we could go on and on and on… They’re amazing. 
These guys love us, there is no question about it. And there is also no question about why. 
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 
Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-13 (ESV)

We knew we had to say thank you, we had to say it often, and we had to say it big. So one of our first “thank you’s” was to beg them to let us take some updated family photos. Now to be honest, this thank you was a little selfish because these guys are seriously gorgeous AND we got to spend time with them. A big win-win in our books! 
Enjoy these shots of a family we cherish and love from the bottom of our hearts! Merry Christmas Steve, Megan, Brady, Cooper, and Brynna! We think you guys are the BEST!
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