High school sweethearts are some of my favorite couples because they’ve already stood the test of time. Their relationship has already proven itself and these two people have already chosen to love each other “for better or for worse”. (Because let’s be honest- who doesn’t have some “worse” times in high school!)  Lydia and Chase’s […]

Lydia + Chase | Virginia Engagement Photographer | Aaron Mallory Photography

High school sweethearts are some of my favorite couples because they’ve already stood the test of time. Their relationship has already proven itself and these two people have already chosen to love each other “for better or for worse”. (Because let’s be honest- who doesn’t have some “worse” times in high school!) 
Lydia and Chase’s story starts like that. High school sweethearts. Two people growing up together and choosing one another again and again. Chase was a Virginia Tech Hokie and Lydia was a JMU Duke, but their love story started in Charlottesville so we decided to capture it at the UVA gardens. 
These gardens are honestly magical. You wander from one into the next, never knowing what you’ll find through the next archway or gate. Everything was in bloom and the light pouring in through the leaves was breathtaking. 
We finished up our session on the Charlottesville Downtown Mall. Wandering through the crowds of people, catching up with these two, learning about their life in NOVA, and getting excited to celebrate with them this fall. Their wedding will be the day before our one-year-anniversary, so you can bet the celebration will be an extra special one! 
Lydia + Chase, enjoy a few (okay, more than a few) of our favorites from our time with you guys! 
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